1. Basic Informations

These business conditions refers to contracts closed by the seller and the buyer on the website www.followmypenblog.com according by the Act no. 102/2014 Coll. about consumer protection by selling products or providing services according by the closed contract  at distance or by the closed contract beyond operating area of the seller and about the change and renewal some of the law subsequently legal amended.

The seller is: peopia s.r.o., Škoricová 2, 90046 Most pri Bratislave, Slovakia; telephone contact: 00421 948 350 222, e-mail: hey@followmypenblog.com

The buyer is the consumer who, on the basis of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. the Civil Code, of the law subsequently legal amended means “a natural person who, in concluding and performing a consumer contract, does not act within the frame of the item of his business or other entrepreneurial activity”

The purchase carried by the entrepreneur manages according by the Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial code of the subsequently law amended.

The establisment authority is Slovak commercial inspection Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27. Supervision department telephone contact 02/58 27 21 72, 02/58 27 21 04, fax contact 02/58 27 21 70.

  1. Order and a conclusion of the contract

Sending a completed order to the buyer is consideres a suggestion to conclude the contract under the Civil Code, based on the offer of the seller in e-shop. Conclusion of the contract is  confirming the order by the seller.

  1. The price of the product

All prices of products in the e-shop are listed without shipping and packaging. The price for shipping and packaging will be added according to the country of delivery. The seller is not paying VAT.

  1. The payment

The seller accepts payment for the ordered products by making a transfer to the seller’s bank account by the buyer, or pay with credit card.

Part of the order in the e-shop is the buyer’s obligation to pay the price to the seller for the ordered product.

Account number: SK03 1100 0000 0029 4210 1242, Tatra banka, a.s.


  1. Delivery of the product

If the delivery time is not specified for the product, it is valid that the seller will deliver the product to the buyer within 30 days at the latest.

The product is considered by  taked over by the buyer at the moment when the buyer or a third party designated by him (except the carrier) takes over all parts of the ordered products, or if a) products are delivered separately, at the moment of taking over the last delivered product b) the product consists of several parts or pieces, at the moment of taking over the last part or the last piece, c) delivers the product repeatedly during a defined period, at the moment of taking over the first delivered goods.

  1. Return policy

The seller is responsible for the defects of the product after the product has been taken by the buyer, but the seller is not responsible for the defects of the  used products by the buyer. The seller is not responsible for the defects of the sales products, for why the product was on sale. If the product is used or it is able to quickly abused, the seller is responsible for the defects after the products was taken by the buyer (assurance).

The quarantee period for the new product is 24 months after the product is taken by the buyer.

The quarantee period for the used product is 12 months . The quarantee period for the the service (correction or redesign the product) is 3 months. The quarantee period for the construction of the product for made to order is 24 months. If the product, the case of the product or the instruction of use of te products consists a due time, the quarantee period will not end before the due date of the product. The quarantee period for the buyer, who is not the consumer, is 24 months. If the buyer wants to return the product, he has to have the proof of the purchase.

If the product consits a defect, which can be easily remove, the mistake of the product can be for free, in time and providely removed. The seller is obligated to remove the defect of the product as soon as possible.

The buyer should have not use the product after the mistake has been seen. If the mistake of the product is visible after the purchase, the buyer has to contact the buyer as soon as the quarantee period expire. After the quarantee period the return is no longer available.

Detrition characterized for the material or the used product by the buyer is not taken as a defect. If the sold product´s usable time is shorter than the quarantee period, than its not a defect of the product.

The buyer can make a request for a new product instead of eliminate the defect, or the defect applies just for the part of the product, change part of it, if i tis not gonna be for the seller more charge than the the product cost. The seller can always change the mistake item for the perfect item, if the buyer will approve. If the defect is unremovable and keep us to use the product without the defect, then the buyer has the power to exchange the product or pull out of the contract. The same rule applies, if the buyer cannot use the product after the elimination of the defect. If there are other non eliminable defect, than the buyer has a measure discount of the product.

Terms from the responsibility of the defect applies by sending the complanation of the product by Slovenská pošta, a.s. from the buyer to the seller´s address.

If there is an exchange, the quarantee period starts from the day when the exchanged product has been delivered to the buyer.

The end if the complaining of the product is understood by the transmission of the repaired product, by exchanging the product, by return the purchase price, by payout the measure discount of the product, by written invitation for the transfer of the action or rejection by the seller.

In applying of the complaining of the product the seller assess an arrangement of settlement of a claim in the furthest 3 weekdays from the day of applying the complanation, in case that the defect of the product is going to need more technical identification of the process, at the furthest 30 weekdays from the day of applying the complanation. The complanation of the product is going to be arranged immadiately after the form of the arrangement will be assigned, in some statement of the reason the complanation can be arrange later, but the complanation can not be arranged after 30 weekdays from the date of complanation ejectment. After the expiration date of complanation the buyer has right to pull out of the contract or has the right to exchange the product for a new product.

If the buyer has made a complaination about the product during the first 12 months from the purchase, the seller can arrange the complaint by rejection only on the basis of professional judgment; regardless of the result of the professional assessment, it will not require the buyer to pay the costs of the professional assessment or other costs related to the professional assessment. The seller has the right to provide the copie of the specialized assessment of the declined complanation furthest then 14 days from received complanation.  If the buyer applied the form of complanation after 12 months from the purchase and the seller declined it, the seller has to provide informations in the document about the compalantion to whom the buyer can send the product for professional assessment.If the product has been sent for a special assesment to indicated person, the charges of the special examination, and everything related to it the seller supports an advisable expenses incurred in disregard of outcome of the examination. If the buyer can show by professional assesment that the seller is in charge of the defect of the poduct, than the buyer can make a companation again; During the professional assesment the quarantee period is not passing. The seller has to pay off to the buyer all charges for the professional assesment in 14 days, even all related purposefully incurred charges. A re-submitted claim cannot be rejected.

The seller is obliged to issue a confirmation to the buyer when making a complaint. If the complaint is applied by e-mail, the seller has the right to deliver the confirmation of the complaint complaint to the buyer immediately; if it is not possible to deliver the confirmation immediately, it must be delivered without undue delay; at the furthest  with the document of the complaint; The confirmation of the claim need not be delivered if the buyer has the opportunity to prove the claim in another way.

  1. Return of the products- abandonment of contract without giving any reason

The buyer can pull out from the contract without giving any reason in 14 days from the received day of the product. This right is just for the consumer.

The product considers as taken over by the buyer in the moment, when the buyer or by him assigned person except carrier every parts of the ordered product or if a) the products ordered in one order by the buyer supply separately, in the moment the product has been delivered , which was delvered as a last one, b) deliver the product consists more parts, the moment of taking over the last piece or last part, c) the product deliveres frequently during the eligible period, moment of the first product delivers.

The buyer can pull out from the contract, by the object is delivering the product, even before the passage due time for abandonment of contract begins.

The buyer cannot pull out from the contract,, the object is :

  • The sale of the product has made for the consumer´s special request, the product made to measure or product made specifically for one consumer
  • The sale of the product, which is liable to quick cut down the condition and destruction
  • The sale of the product closed in protective package, which cannot be returned health protection or hygiene reasons and whose protectic package has beenbroken after delivery
  • The sale of the product, which due to his charac
  • The sale may be inextricably mixed with other products after delivery.

The buyer may apply the right for pulling out from the contract in written form or in other form (e-mail).

The right of abandonment of  the contract is possibble to apply by sending the notice of pulling out from the contract  even on the last day the 14th day.

After the notice has been delivered about the abandonment of  the contract the seller will give back all the payment, which he received in the connection of the contract, including the costs and shipping, delivery and postage and other costs and charges in 14 days. The seller will refund the payment in the same way as the buyer used for his payment. The buyer can make a deal with the seller on another method of refund.

The seller is not obliged to cover the buyer´s additional costs if the buyer has explicitly chosen a different method of delivery than the cheapest standard method of delivery offered by the seller. Additional costs are the difference between the delivery costs chosen by the buyer and the costs of the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the seller.

Upon the abandonment of  the contract the seller is not obliged to return the payments to the buyer before the products are delivered to him or until the buyer proves the return of the products to the seller, unless the seller proposes to pick up the products in person or through a person authorized by him.

The buyer is obliged to send or deliver the product back to the seller or a person authorized by the seller to take over the product no later than 14 days from the date of abandonment from the contract. This time limit shall be deemed to have been observed if the products were taken over to transfer not later than the last day of the time limit.

Upon the abandonment of  the contract, the buyer bears only the cost of returning the products to the seller or the person authorized by the seller to take over the products and also the cost of returning the products, which due to its character can not be returned by e-mail.

The buyer is responsible for the reduction in the value of the products, which arose as a result of such handling of the products, which is beyond the scope of treatment necessary to determine the properties and functionality of the goods.

After delivery of the products, the buyer has the opportunity to test its function, but cannot use the products if the buyer is pulling put from the contract. For the purpose to find out the character, characteristics and functionality of the products, the consumer should handle and inspect the product only in the way that would be possible for him in the “stone” shop. The buyer is required to handle and inspect the products with due care during the abandonmet period.

  1. Alternative dispute resolution

The buyer- consumer- has the right to contact the seller with a request for the improvement (for example by e-mail), if he is not satisfied with the way the seller handled his claiming or if he believes that the seller has violated his consumer rights. . If the seller responds to this request in the negative or does not respond to it within 30 days of its dispatch, the consumer has the right to file a motion to initiate alternative dispute resolution to the subject of alternative dispute resolution (ADR entity) under Act 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on Amendments to Certain Acts as Amended by Later Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “ADR Act”) ADR entities are bodies and authorized legal entities pursuant to Art. § 3 of the ADR Act. The list of ADR entities can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic www.mhsr.sk. The consumer may submit the proposal in the manner determined in accordance with Art. § 12 of the ADR Act.

The consumer can make a claim at the had of platform by alternative solution of argument RSO, which is available online at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/index_en.htm.

Alternative dispute resolution can be used by the consumer- person entity who does not act within the subject of his business activity, employment or profession when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract. Alternative dispute resolution only concerns a dispute between a consumer and a seller arising out of or in connection with a consumer contract. Alternative dispute resolution only applies to distance contracts. Alternative dispute resolution does not apply to disputes where the value of the dispute does not exceed EUR 20. The alternative dispute resolution entity may require the consumer to pay a fee for initiating alternative dispute resolution up to a maximum of EUR 5 including VAT.

The seller has the right to modify the terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions aquire a right on 01.07.2024.